Below you’ll find three sections with past and future talks. The first lists keynotes. The second lists academic talks and conference presentations. For a list of public talks and industry panels that I have been involved in, please scroll further down to the third section. Where available I have linked recordings that can be streamed.
___ Keynotes __________
08.04.2023 — “Film Festivals and Film Policy”, invited keynote, 3rd Film Festivals Symposium: Film Festivals, Funds and Film Industry, Screenfest: Journal of Film Festival Studies & Istanbul Film Festival, Istanbul (TR), 7–9 April 2023.
15.09.2022 — “Social Sustainability of Film Festivals”, invited keynote, Transforming Film Festivals: Sustainability of Film Festivals, 15–16 September 2022, Screenfest: Journal of Film Festival Studies & Adana Film Festival, Adana (TR).
20.05.2022 — “Greening Media: Von Green Production zu nachhaltiger Medienwissenschaft.” Keynote with Judith Keilbach. 26. Internationales Bremer Symposium zum Film “Grünes Kino. Beziehungen von Film und Ökologie”, Bremen (DE), 18–21 Mai 2022.
12.11.2020 — “Studying Queer Film Festivals: Tensions between Research & Practice?“, invited keynote, Screenfest Symposium, October–December 2020 in conjunction with Queertactics Film Festival, Vienna (AT), 3–6 December 2020, remote.
22.08.2020 — “The Queer Gaze“, invited keynote, CARLA 2020: A Global Digital Conference on Diversity and Inclusion in the Film and TV Industry, Karlskrona (SE), Carl International Film Festival & WIFTI, 21–23 August 2020, remote.
04.09.2016 — “Travelling the Circuit(s): Women’s and Queer Cinema at Film Festivals”, invited keynote, “Women, Film Culture and Globalization” international conference, Montreal/QC (CA), Concordia University, 2–4 September 2016.
05.02.2016 — “Performative Intervention: What does Lampedusa have to do with Queer Film Culture?” Keynote lecture, “Queer Film Festivals as Activism: An International Symposium”, Manchester (GB), 5–6 February 2016.
20.04.2012 — “Social Change?! The Status of Women’s Film Festivals Today.” Keynote, discussion “Women’s Film Festival in Dialogue”, International Women’s Film Festival Dortmund | Köln, Cologne (DE), 17–22 April 2012.
___ Conference Presentations & Academic Talks __________
19.06.2023 — “Berlin’s Film Festival Kiez Culture.” Paper with Martha E. Ehrich. Locating Media Industries, London (UK), 19–21 June 2023.
17.06.2023 — “Narrating Gender: Positioning Trans* in Contemporary German Documentary Film and Social Discourse.” Paper with Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky. NECS Conference “Care”, Oslo (NO), 13–17 June 2023.
14.06.2023 — “Teaching and Learning Sustainable Media. Part one: Conventions and Skills.” Participant in workshop. NECS Conference “Care”, Oslo (NO), 13–17 June 2023.
09.06.2023 — “New Cinephilias: Is Auteurism a Manspreading Machine?” Invited panel input. Symposium “Accidental Archivism: Shaping Cinema’s Futures with Remnants of the Past”, Archival Assembly #2, Arsenal, Berlin (DE), 9–10 June 2023.
14.04.2023 — “Fancy Amsterdam and Sexy Berlin: Comparing Two European Film Festival Cities with Cultural Data Analytics.” Paper with Marijke de Valck & Martha E. Ehrich. SCMS Conference, Denver, CO (US), 12–15 April 2023.
02.12.2022 — “Komplex & selbstverständlich: Tipping Points für eine intersektionale queere Filmkultur.” Invited lecture. TFM Queer/ing Methodologies. Tipping Point Talk #2, Universität Wien (AT).
18.11.2022 — “Visualization in/as Digital Media Studies.” Paper with Marcus Burkhardt. “Doing Digital Film History” conference, University of Marburg (DE), 17–19 November 2022.
30.09.2022 — “Zwischen Fachkräftemangel und Prekarität: Arbeitsbedingungen für den Nachwuchs in der Filmbranche.” Paper, GfM Jahrestagung 2022 «Arbeit», Halle (DE), 28 September–2 Oktober 2022.
21.09.2022 — “Media and Social Stereotypes.” Roundtable, Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion and Social Justice, Bournemouth University (UK), remote.
23.08.2022 — “Sustainable Media Workshop.” Media Industries, Infrastructures and Institutions Workgroup, Utrecht University (NL), 23–24 August 2022.
25.06.2022 — “Rethinking Film Festivals in the Pandemic Era and After.” Workshop. NECS 2022 Conference “Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network”, Bucharest (RO), 22–26 June 2022.
24.06.2022 — “From Film Circulation to Network Analysis: Using Social Network Analysis to Study the Film Festival Sector.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova. NECS 2022 Conference “Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network”, Bucharest (RO), 22–26 June 2022.
29.05.2022 — “Creative Teams and Gender Inequality in the Screen Industry. A Social Network Approach.” Paper with Elizabeth Prommer & Deb Verhoeven. ICA 2022: One World, One Network? Paris (FR), 26–30 May 2022.
10.04.2022 — “Essential Intermediaries: How Film Festivals Have Re/Negotiated (Their Position Within) Film Culture during Covid-19.” Essential: Film Production During COVID. Symposium, New Orleans, LA (US), 9–11 April 2022.
03.04.2022 — “Analyzing the Film Festival Network. Methodological Challenges.” Paper with Katharina Burgdorf & Zhenya Samoilova. 2022 SCMS Conference. Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago, IL (US), 31 March–3 April 2022.
28.03.2022 — “New Approaches to Studying Film Circulation. Network Analysis in the Festival Ecosystem.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova, Martha E. Ehrich & Katharina Burgdorf. Festivals and TransNational Cinematographic Dynamics: Forms of Production, Circulation and Representation. Toulouse (FR), 28–31 March 2022.
15.12.2021 — “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Screen Industries.” Invited talk within the MA course “Legal and Economic Aspects of Film Culture” at the University of Lodz (PL), remote.
30.11.2021 — “Abertura. Festivais, pesquisas, reflexões e redes de cooperação. Entrevista com Marijke De Valck e Skadi Loist.” Invited guest speaker. “Encontro de Festivais de Cinema e Audiovisual: histórias, políticas e práticas”, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF (BR), remote.
04.11.2021 — Guest lecture as part of the “European University Film Award” seminar at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Bilbao (ES).
28.10.2021 — “Circulation of Small Cinemas on the International Film Festival Circuits.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova. Small Cinemas Conference “From Celluloid to Streaming: Conservation and Circulation of Small Cinemas”, Santiago de Compostela (ES), 28-30 October 2021.
13.10.2021 — Guest lecture at Film Festival Research PhD Colloquium within the FFRN organized by Lucy Pizaña, remote.
21.09.2021 — “Textdaten-basierte Erhebung von nicht-binären Geschlechtsidentitäten anhand von Personalpronomina.” Paper mit Martha Emilie Ehrich & Zhenya Samoilova. Die nicht-binäre Erhebung von Geschlecht: Möglichkeiten, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven, Bielefeld (DE), remote, 21-22 September 2021.
22.07.2021 — “Renegotiating the Film Culture Ecosystem: How Film Festivals Operated during Covid-19.” Invited talk at Film Festivals in Covid-19: Reflections and Projections, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh (UK), remote.
12.06.2021 — “Towards Sustainable Film and Television Production”, panel respondent, NECS Conference “Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies”, University of Palermo (IT), 7-13 June 2021, remote.
03.05.2021 — “Circulating Diversity: Considering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Curation and Distribution.” Invited talk at DFFB Next Wave, Berlin (DE).
26.03.2021 — “Affirmative Feminism: Curation/Distribution.” Panel participant in Affirmative Feminism panel series, University of Bergen (NO) & WIFTI, remote.
01.02.2021 — “Performative Intervention – What Does Lampedusa Have to Do with Queer Film Culture?” Invited lecture at Queer from the South & Mediterranean Film & Media courses, University of Oregon (US), remote.
28.01.2021 — “Film Circulation on the Film Festival Circuit.” Invited lecture at research colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Madison (US), remote.
23.11.2020 — “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Screen Industries.” Invited talk within the MA course “Legal and Economic Aspects of Film Culture” at the University of Lodz (PL), remote.
06.11.2020 — “Wasser & temporäre Zwischenräume in Undine. Respondenz zu Linda Waacks Atmung. Ein- und Ausströmungen in Christian Petzolds Undine.” Gender, Medien und Affekt: Amplifizierte Asymmetrien, Fernuniversität Hagen (DE), digital conference, 6–7 November 2020.
07.10.2020 — “Green Film Production in Germany.” Panel within the “Greening Media Industries” series at Utrecht University (NL), remote.
30.09.2020 — “Kleine filmwissenschaftliche Tafelrunde mit großem Potenzial.” Roundtable participant at Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (DE), digital conference, 29 September–2 October 2020, remote.
12.09.2020 — “A Big Data Approach to Film Festival Research. Studying Film Circulation with Digital Humanities.” Contours of Film Festivals Research and Methods, Birkbeck, University of London (UK), digital conference, 11–12 September 2020, remote.
20.08.2020 — “Where Are the Female Creative? The Status Quo of the German Screen Industry.” Brief chapter presentation with Elizabeth Prommer. CARLA 2020: A Global Digital Conference on Diversity and Inclusion in the Film and TV Industry, Karlskrona (SE), Carl International Film Festival & WIFTI, 21–23 August 2020, remote.
10.07.2020 — “An Entangled Argentine Cinema: Transnational Structures in the Co-Production Practice of Contemporary Argentine Cinema.” Paper with Virginia Martin. “Archive, Daten, Netzwerke. Methoden zur Erforschung historischer Produktionskulturen”, Workshop der AG Medienindustrien & DFG Projekt “Serielle Handlungsmacht”, FAU Erlangen (DE), 10 Juli 2020, remote.
16.04.2020 — “Film Circulation on the Festival Circuit.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova. Media Industry Studies 2020: Global Currents and Contradictions, King’s College London (UK), 16–18 April 2020. [cancelled due to Covid-19]
25.03.2020 — “Film Festivals as Distribution Window: Film Circulation on the Festival Circuit.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova. Reframing Film Festivals, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari (IT), 25–26 March 2020. [cancelled due to Covid-19]
13.01.2020 — “Spezifika von identitätsbasierten Filmfestivals, oder welche Erkenntnisse der LGBT*Q-Festival-Forschung sind hilfreich bei der Forschung zu jüdischem Film und Festivals?” Jüdischer Film? Ein neues Forschungsfeld im deutschsprachigen Raum, Potsdam (DE), 15–17 Jan. 2020.
17.09.2019 — “Circulation of European Films on the International Film Festival Circuits.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova. The International Circulation of National Cinemas and Audiovisual Content: The Challenge of Convergence and Multiplatform Distribution in the European Context, Catholic University of Milan (IT), 17–18 Sep. 2019.
11.07.2019 — “Using a Feminist and Inclusive Approach for Gender Identification in Film Research.” Poster with Zhenya Samoilova. Digital Humanities 2019 conference “Complexities”, Utrecht University (NL), 9–12 Jul. 2019.
10.07.2019 — “Leveraging multiple digital data sources in studying film circulation in the international film festival circuits.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova within the panel “Intellectual Networks and Cultural Networks: Kinomatics and the complex cultural geometry of cinema.” Digital Humanities 2019 conference “Complexities”, Utrecht University (NL), 9-12 Jul. 2019.
14.06.2019 — “Localising European Cinema in Teaching: the Case of the European University Film Award.” Workshop. NECS 2019 “Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times”, Gdansk (PL), 13-15 Jun. 2019.
13.06.2019 — “Opening the digital toolbox for film festival research: Studying film circulation on the festival circuit with DH.” Paper with Zhenya Samoilova. NECS 2019 “Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times”, Gdansk (PL), 13-15 Jun. 2019.
23.05.2019 — “Gendered Media Industries: Arguments for an Equal and Diverse Film Industry.” [invited] Toronto German Studies Symposium “From Feminist Filmmaking to Pro Quote Film”, University of Toronto (CA), 22-24 May 2019.
17.05.2019 — “Festivalforschung trifft Digital Humanities: Filmzirkulation im internationalen Festivalnetzwerk.” Mit Zhenya Samoilova. ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaft, Potsdam (DE), 17 May 2019.
02.05.2019 — “Festivals and the Lives of Films.” Utrecht Centre for Media Research, Utrecht University (NL), 2 May 2019.
01.02.2019 — “Digitale Methoden für die Erforschung von Filmfestivalruns.” Mit Zhenya Samoilova. Methoden und Zugänge für die Forschung zu und in Medienindustrien, 3. Workshop der AG Medienindustrien, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Potsdam (DE), 1 Februar 2019.
20.11.2018 — “Data and Diversity – Applying Big Thinking to Big Problems.” [invited] Experimenting for Equality: Global Policy Summit on Gender Equality in the Global Screen Industries, 19–20 Nov. 2018, University of Montreal (CA).
04.10.2018 — “Diversität als Qualitätsstandard: das britische Filminstitut & Britisches Fernsehen (Channel 4, BBC, Ofcom).” [invited] “Bridging the Gap” Congress of Pro Quote Film, Berlin (DE).
27.09.2018 — “Pro Quote, #metoo und kulturelle Vielfalt: Roundtable zu Gender und Diversität in der Medienbranche.” Panel discussion, GfM annual conference, University Siegen (DE), 26–29 September 2018.
27.09.2018 — “Diversität messen? Methodische Reflexionen zur Erfassung von theoretisch anspruchsvollen intersektionalen Kategorien in standardisierten quantitativen Verfahren.” Mit Christine Linke & Elizabeth Prommer [presenter]. “Dissonanzen und Solidarisierungen: Feministische und intersektionale Perspektiven auf Partizipation in Medienkulturen”, DGPuK Fachgruppe “Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht”, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (DE), 26–28 September 2018
28.06.2018 — “How to Teach European Cinema: The European University Film Award and Beyond.” Workshop, NECS Conference 2018 “Media Tactics and Engagement”, Amsterdam (NL), 27–29 June 2018.
04.05.2018 — “Diversity in Film, or where is the problem if only (white cis hetero) men make movies?” Babelsberger Salon. 1st Symposium on Gender Research Film, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam (DE), 3–5 May 2018.
18.04.2018 — “Film Circulation and the Significance of Film Festival Circuits.” Media Industries: Current Debates and Future Directions, King’s College London (UK), 18–20 April 2018.
06.04.2018 — “Studying Film Circulation on the International Film Festival Circuit.” Kinomatics: Culture, Meaning and #datatoo, University of Technology Sydney (AU), 5–6 April 2018.
05.04.2018 — “Gender on Screen and Behind the Camera: The German case.” With Christine Linke. Kinomatics: Culture, Meaning and #datatoo, University of Technology Sydney (AU), 5–6 April 2018.
22.03.2018 — “Film Circulation on the International Film Festival Circuit.” Masterclass, Monash University, Melbourne (AU).
28.11.2017 — “Think beyond: Queer.” Starke Mädchen – starke Jungen? Das Mädchen- und Jungenbild im Kinderfernsehen und seine Bedeutung für die Identitätsentwicklung, Internationales Zentralinstitut für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen (IZI), München (DE).
11.11.2017 — “World Cinema, Film Festivals and the Politics of Circulation.” Multivoicedness in European Cinema: Representation, Industry, Politics. An ECREA Film Studies Section Conference, University College Cork (IR), 10–11 November 2017.
04.11.2017 — “Queering Film Festivals.” Gender Salon Extra QUEER.fest-Special, LMU München & Queer.Fest München (DE).
02.11.2017 — “Fast & Furious & Female*” Workshop, Universität der Künste (UdK), Berlin (DE).
02.09.2017 — “Performative Interventions: How Queer Film Festivals Negotiate Queer Film Culture.” Queer Screens 2017 conference, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), 2–3 September 2017.
28.06.2017 — “How to Teach European Cinema: The European Universities Film Award (EUFA).” Pre-Conference Workshop, NECS 2017 Conference “Sensibility and The Senses – Media, Bodies, Practices.” Université Diderot Paris 7, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (FR), 29 June–1 July 2017.
24.06.2017 — “Film Festival Circuits: Studying the Hubs in the Festival Network.” “Circuits of Cinema”, A HoMER Network Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto (CA), 22–24 June 2017.
28.05.2017 — “Women Directors and the Intervening Role of the Producer in European Cinema: A Pan-European Comparative Study on a Highly Gendered Creative Work Space.” ICA 2017 “Interventions: Communication Research and Practice”, Feminist Scholarship section, San Diego (US), 25–29 May 2017.
26.05.2017 — “Assessing Film Circulation Patterns on the Film Festival Circuit.” ICA 2017 “Interventions: Communication Research and Practice”, Media Industries section, San Diego (US), 25–29 May 2017.
25.05.2017 — “Exhibition, Distribution, Circulation: Considering the Flow of Films through the Festival Circuit.” ICA Preconference “Distribution Matters: Media Circulation in Civic Life and Popular Culture”, SDSU, San Diego (US), 25 May 2017.
19.05.2017 — Moderation Panel “Digitale Methoden.” “New Film History – und dann?” 2. Workshop der AG Filmwissenschaft, Philipps-Universität Marburg (DE).
03.03.2017 — Beitrag zu Roundtable “Emanzipatorische Praktiken in Medienkulturen” im Workshop “(Queer)Feministische Interventionen in mediatisierte Öffentlichkeiten: Ansätze in Wissenschaft, Politik, Kunst und Medien”, Universität Tübingen (DE), 3-4 März 2017.
27.01.2017 — “Zirkulation im Filmfestivalnetzwerk: methodische Herausforderungen und Vorschläge.” Media Industries: Aktuelle Positionen deutschsprachiger Forschung, 1. Workshop der AG Medienindustrien der GfM, Universität Rostock (DE), 27. Jan. 2017.
22.08.2016 — “New Queer Cinema: queere Ästhetik, Community und Politik jenseits des Mainstreams”, Out of the Past: Queere Filmgeschichte_n, film introduction to Go Fish, Cinema, Münster (DE), 17 May–1 September 2016.
30.07.2016 — “Festivals as Teaching Sites: A Roundtable on the Future of Film Festival Pedagogy”, workshop presentation, NECS Conference 2016 “in/between: cultures of connectivity”, Potsdam (DE), 28–30 July 2016.
28.07.2016 — “Where are the Female Movie Directors in Europe? A Seven-Country Study.” With Elizabeth Prommer, IAMCR 2016, Leicester (GB), 27–31 July 2016. [presented by Elizabeth Prommer]
28.07.2016 — “Career Paths in the European Film Industry: How to Become a Director and Really Work in the Industry”, paper written with Elizabeth Prommer, “NECS Conference 2016 “in/between: cultures of connectivity”, Potsdam (DE), 28–30 July 2016.
27.07.2016 — “Circulation and Media Industry Research”, invited presentation for “Changes and Challenges within the Field of Cinema and Media Studies”, NECS Pre-conference Workshop, Potsdam (DE), 27 July 2016.
30.06.2016 — “Interventionen in Repräsentations- und Rezeptionsregime: Zu Sichtbarkeit und Anerkennung bei Vika Kirchenbauer”, invited talk in the lecture series “Anerkennung und Sichtbarkeit in Medienkulturen”, Universität Tübingen (DE), summer semester 2016.
21.05.2016 — “Underrepresented but of high quality: German and European feature films by female directors”, with Elizabeth Prommer, “Popular Culture – Gender – Agency” interdisciplinary colloquium of Gender Research at the University of Rostock (DE), 19–21 May 2016.
25.11.2015 — “Selection of Queer Cinema for Film Festivals.” Workshop with Theresa Brunk. “Aktionstage gegen Sexismus, Homo-, Trans*, Inter*- und Biphobie”, University of Rostock (DE), 6–25 November 2015.
13.11.2015 — “Film festivals as sanctuaries within the film industry? Women directors on the film festival circuit.” ECREA Film Studies Section conference “European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History”, Copenhagen (DK), 13–14 November 2015.
13.07.2015 — “Underrepresented but of High Quality: German Feature Films by Female Directors.” With Elizabeth Prommer, IAMCR 2015, Montreal (CA), 12–16 July 2015
24.06.2015 — “52 Tuesdays and Queer Film Festivals.” Invited talk and film introduction. Kinemathek Asta Nielsen & Spectrale: Feminist Queer Film Festival, Frankfurt am Main (DE).
20.06.2015 — “Mapping the Circuit: Methodological Considerations of New Empiricism and the Spatial Turn.” NECS Conference 2015 “Archives of/for the Future”, Łódź (PL), 18–20 June 2015.
27.03.2015 — “Film Festivals and the Politics of Circulation.” Presentation in workshop “The ‘World Cinema’ Turn in Film Studies.” SCMS Conference, Montreal/QC (CA), 25–29 March 2015.
29.03.2015 — “Speaking in (Queer) Tongues: LGBT Film Festivals and the Politics of Language.” Panel respondent. SCMS Conference, Montreal/QC (CA), 25–29 March 2015.
23.10.2014 — “Queer Film Festivals as Global Phenomenon: A Historical Overview.” Public talk in “PolDo” (Political Thursday) series at Peter-Weiss-Haus in cooperation with Queer Film Festival Rostock (DE).
18.10.2014 — “Queer Cinema: Definitions and Perspectives.” Workshop taught, AG Gender und Antidiskriminierung, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Hamburg (DE).
14.10.2014 — “Performativity and LGBT/Q Film Festivals.” Queer Film Culture: Queer Cinema and Film Festivals, International conference, Hamburg (DE), 14-15 October 2014.
21.06.2014 — “Methodological Challenges in the Study of Film Circulation on the International Film Festival Circuit.” NECS Conference 2014 “Creative Energies » Creative Industries”, Milan (IT), 19–21 June 2014.
04.04.2014 — “Film Festivals as Institutions of Cosmopolitan Film Culture.” Invited paper. Cosmopolitan Cinema – Arts and Politics in the Second Modernity, International conference, University of Bayreuth (DE), 3–5 April 2014.
27.12.2013 — “Film Festivals and Matters of Gender and Sexuality.” Invited panel presentation, “Film Festival Research Symposium – Film Festivals, Culture and Gender”, Kadir Has University, Istanbul (TR).
08.11.2013 — “Queer Circuits: The Flow of LGBT Films within the Film Festival Ecosystem.” ECREA Film Studies Section Interim Conference “European Film Cultures: An International Conference”, Lund University (SE), 8–9 November 2013.
29.06.2013 — “Exchange Networks: The International Film Festival Circuit.” Screen Studies Conference, Glasgow University (UK), 28–30 June 2013.
22.06.2013 — “Network Exchange: The International Film Festival Circuit and Global Film Circulation.” NECS Conference 2013 “Media Politics – Political Media”, Charles University, Prague (CZ) 20–22 June 2013.
19.06.2013 — “Researching Film Festivals.” Invited panel presentation, NECS Preconference Workshop “Researching Documentary Film Festivals: Academics vs Professionals”, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (CZ).
06.03.2013 — “Quotable Evidence? The Dilemma of Insider Information in Film Festival Research.” SCMS Conference, Chicago/IL (US), 6–10 March 2013.
23.01.2013 — “Film Festival Research.” Invited panel presentation, Research Network Workshop “Consuming Chinese Cinemas in the 21st Century”, University of Amsterdam (NL).
03.12.2012 — “Festivalstandort Hamburg: Konzepte und Programme.” With Kathrin Kohlstedde (Filmfest Hamburg). Talk in public lecture series “Film- und Fernsehstandort Hamburg. Dialoge zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis”, Universität Hamburg (DE).
04.10.2012 — “Filmfestivals – Vermittler oder Player der Filmindustrie?” GfM Conference, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main (DE), 3–6 October 2012.
22.06.2012 — “Academics and Festivals: On the Flow of Labor, Expertise and Influence Between”, NECS Conference 2012, Lisbon (PT), 21–23 June 2012.
12.05.2012 — “Queer Media Studies.” With Jan Pinseler. screen strike! Gender, Medien, Kritik Conference, GfM Workgroup “Gender & Medien”, Vienna (AT), 10–12 May 2012.
24.03.2012 — “Teaching Film Festivals: Between Theory and Practice.” SCMS Conference, Boston/MA (US), 21–25 March 2012.
19.01.2012 — “(Queerer) Film als soziale Praxis: (Queere) Filmfestivals.” Graduate Conference, Internationales Bremer Symposium zum Film “Was ist Kino? Auswählen, Aufführen, Erfahren”, Universität Bremen & Kommunales Kino Bremen, Bremen (DE), 19–22 January 2012.
15.12.2011 — “Raum für Visionen: Queere Filmfestivals zwischen Gegenöffentlichkeit, Performativität und Heterotopie.” Talk in lecture series “que(e)r_einsteigen”, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (DE).
26.11.2011 — “The Queer Film Festival Phenomenon in a Global Historical Perspective.” For a History of Festivals | Pour une histoire des festivals (XIXe-XXIe siècles) Conference, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris (FR), 24–26 November 2011.
20.10.2011 — “Fun in Boys Shorts/Fun in Girls Shorts: Programmstrategien bei LGBT/Queer Filmfestivals.” Talk in lecture series “Un/Verblümt: Queere Ästhetiken und Theorien in Kunst, Design und Musik”, HfK Bremen & Kulturwiss. Institut Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg, Bremen (DE).
16.10.2011 — I’m Not There. Film introduction at 18th queerfilm: schwul-lesbisch-transgender filmfestival, Bremen (DE).
11.10.2011 — “Relations between Film Festivals and Industry.” Panel presentation of Film Festival Research Network (FFRN), 1st Busan Cinema Forum, 16th Busan International Film Festival, Busan (KR).
08.10.2011 — “Film Festival Studies: Concepts and Approaches.” With Marijke de Valck. Talk for Association of East Asian Film Studies, Hanyang University, Seoul (KR).
14.07.2011 — “Queering Media Studies: Potentials and Consequences of Applying a Queer Perspective to the Study of Media.” Paper mit Jan Pinseler, IAMCR 2011 Conference, Istanbul (TK), 13–17 Jul. 2011.
25.06.2011 — “From Activism to Industry? The Role of Queer Film Festivals in the Larger Film Festival Circuit.” NECS Conference 2011 “Sonic Futures “, Birkbeck & King’s College, University of London (UK), 23–26 June 2011.
17.04.2011 — Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation in der er lebt. Film introduction and panel discussion, Side-by-Side LGBT International Film Festival St. Petersburg / German Week Goethe Institute, St. Petersburg (RU).
15.04.2011 — “Queer Film Festivals.” Guest lecture in “Cinematic Cities” course taught by Sylvia Mieszkowski, Amsterdam University College, Amsterdam (NL).
24.03.2011 — “Queer Film Festivals between Community, Stakeholders and Cultural Policy.” Cultural Studies Association Conference “New Directions in Cultural Studies”, Columbia College, Chicago/IL (US), 24–26 March 2011.
10.03.2011 — “Legal and Organizational Structures of Queer Film Festivals.” SCMS Conference “Media Citizenship”, New Orleans/LA (US), 10–13 March 2011.
04.01.2011 — “R/Evolution des Road Movie Genres: Queer Road Movie.” Talk in public lecture series “Genre Reloaded”, Universität Hamburg (DE).
03.01.2011 — My Own Private Idaho. Film introduction for the film series “Genre Reloaded”, Metropolis Kino Hamburg (DE).
14.10.2010 — “Queering Media Studies: Potentials and Consequences of Applying a Queer Perspective to the Study of Media.” With Jan Pinseler. ECREA 2010 Conference, Hamburg (DE), 12–15 October 2010.
25.06.2010 — “Precarious Cultural Work: About the Organization of Queer Film Festivals.” NECS Conference 2010 “Urban Mediations”, Istanbul (TR), 24–27 June 2010.
18.03.2010 — “Film Festival Research Methodology.” SCMS Conference, Los Angeles/CA (US), 17–21 March 2010.
02.12.2009 — “Wie queer sind LGBT Filmfestivals? Identitätsbasierte Festivals zwischen Community-Geschichte und theoretischem Anspruch.” Talk in lecture series “Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen”, Universität Hamburg (DE).
23.11.2009 — “Bildschön. 20 Jahre Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg.” Talk for the Gay Caucus Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg (DE).
06.11.2009 — “Queer Media Studies.” With Jan Pinseler. Gender, Queer und Medien – Gegenwärtige Ansätze und Perspektiven” Conference of the DGPuK Workgroup “Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht” with Research Centre for Media and Communication (RCMC) at the Universität Hamburg (DE), 5–7 November 2009.
28.06.2009 — “Queer Programming Strategies.” NECS Conference 2009 “Locating Media”, Lund (SE), 25–28 June 2009.
16.12.2008 — “(Sexuell) Freie deutsche Jugend? Filmische Imaginationen von Queerness in der DDR.” Talk in lecture series “Jugend – Film – Gender”, Universität Hamburg (DE).
02.05.2008 — “The Gendercator Controversy: Challenging Transgender Representation.” TransSomatechnics: Theories and Practices of Transgender Embodiment Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver/BC (CA), 1–3 May 2008.
06.11.2007 — “The History of Queer Cinema.” Talk at Mezipatra 2007: 8th Czech Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Prague (CZ).
06.10.2007 — “featuring interventions. Repräsentationspraxen in popkulturellen Gegenöffentlichkeiten.” Workshop with Alek Ommert. Im Zeichen des Geschlechts: Repräsentation, Konstruktion, Intervention, graduate conference, Universität Frankfurt/Main (DE), 4–6 October 2007.
07.07.2007 — “Queerness of the Screens: How Queer Are LGBT Film Festivals in the US and Germany?” Screen Studies Conference 2007, University of Glasgow (UK), 6–8 July 2007.
19.05.2007 — “(Menschenrechts-)Politik als ‘Visibility Project’?” With Jules V. Sturm. Workshop Queer, Sexualpolitiken und der Menschenrechtsdiskurs, Institute for Queer Theory Hamburg (DE).
03.05.2006 — Beautiful Boxer. Film comment in film series “Blurring Gender. Visionen der Uneindeutigkeit”, “Re-Visionen der Zukunft. Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung” Conference, TU Braunschweig (DE), 4–6 May 2006.
_____ Public Talks & Industry Panels ____________________
16.02.2022 — “Paid with Passion: Talents and their Finances“, Panel host, Berlinale Talents, Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (DE), 10–20 February 2022.
14.02.2022 — “Filmfestivals als Innovationsstätte für neue Auswertungsformen“, Panel guest, medianet Exchange, Berlin (DE).
13.02.2022 — “Debate: Libertine“, Panel guest, Woche der Kritik / Berlin Critics Week, Berlin (DE), 9–17 February 2022.
12.11.2021 — “The Future of Shorts: Film Circulation on the International Film Festival Network and the Impact on Global Film Culture”, Industry Lab 2021, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur: The Short Film Festival of Switzerland, Winterthur (CH), 9–14 November 2021.
27.10.2021 — “Diversität in der deutschen Festivallandschaft.” Panel guest at film.macht.vielfalt. Online Panels series by HessenFilm at the Queer Filmfest Weiterstadt (DE), remote.
24.07.2021 — “Jubiläumspanel. 50 Jahre Sehsüchte.” Panel guest at Sehsüchte Student Film Festival, Potsdam (DE), 21–25 July 2021.
16.07.2021 — “Fair Festival Award survey results.” Presentation at Filmfest Dresden (DE), 13–18 July 2021.
15.07.2021 — “Filmfestivals als kulturelle Kontaktzone. Potenziale für Branche und Kino.” Invited keynote, Filmfest Dresden (DE), Mitteldeutsche Filmnacht, 13–18 July 2021.
04.07.2021 — Moderating “Cinema after Corona. Festivals as Labs for the Future of Film Culture?” Panel at Filmfest München (DE), 1–10 July 2021.
20.05.2021 — “Strukturen (ab)schaffen: Für mehr Vielfalt im Film!” Panel guest at Media Convention Berlin | re:Publica, Berlin (DE), remote.
02.03.2021 — “Queer Films Festival Trajectories after Moving Online.” Panel guest at TEDDY Talk, Berlinale | European Film Market, Berlin (DE), 1–5 March 2021, remote.
11.11.2020 — “Diversity in Filmmaking.” Panel guest at Interfilm Short Film Festival, Berlin (DE), remote.
07.11.2020 — Moderating “Queer (Tele)Vision.” Queering the Industry section 7–8 Nov. 2020, Mezipatra Queer Film Festival, Prague (CZ), remote.
24.09.2020 — Moderating “Sehsüchte Producer’s Panel: Green Producing.” Panel at Sehsüchte Student Film Festival, Babelsberg (DE), 23–27 September 2020.
19.09.2020 — Moderating “Xposed Queer Short Film Fund.” Xposed Queer Film Festival, Berlin (DE).
09.08.2020 — “The Future of Film Festivals.” Presentation at AG Filmfestival, digital meeting.
07.08.2020 — “Queer/ing Film Festivals: Curating & Queer As German Folk.” Panel guest at Goethe Institute Seattle (US), remote.
10.12.2019 — “The Female Aspect in Filmmaking Today.” Eurimage Gender Outreach Meeting, Berlin (DE).
09.11.2019 — Moderation “Making Networks, Making Movies.” Queering the Industry section 9–10 Nov. 2019, Mezipatra Queer Film Festival, Prague (CZ).
03.10.2019 — “Who The Is Queer Media Society?!” Panel discussion, Filmfest Hamburg, Hamburg (DE), 26 Sep.–5 Oct. 2019.
06.05.2019 — “Der Stoff aus dem die Träume sind: Diversität in Film und Fernsehen.” Input & Panel guest, Media Convention Berlin / re:publica, Berlin 6.-8. Mai 2019.
27.04.2019 — Moderation “Empowerment: Women in the African Film Business.” 48. Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival, Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam (DE), 24–28 Apr. 2019.
30.10.2018 — “Data for a Diverse Industry.” DOK Leipzig Co-Production Market, Leipzig (DE), 29 October–4 November 2018.
01.10.2018 — “Festivalbeschäftigte: ‘Reden wir mal über Arbeitsbedingungen…’.” Panel guest at Filmfest Hamburg, Hamburg (DE), 27 September–6 October 2018.
05.05.2018 — Moderation “#wessenblick” [#whosegaze] Panel discussion, Babelsberger Salon. 1st Symposium on Gender Research Film, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam (DE), 3–5 May 2018.
27.04.2018 — Moderation “Producers Panel.” Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam (DE), 25–29 April 2018.
18.03.2018 — “Bring It Back: The Retrospective Screening.” Panel Discussion, Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Melbourne (AU), 15–26 March 2018.
21.02.2018 — Moderation Panel “Festival Workers of All Countries… Speak Out on Working Conditions”. Berlinale / European Film Market (EFM), Berlin (DE).
16.02.2018 — “New Council of Europe Recommendation on Gender Equality in the Audiovisual Sector–A Roadmap for Change” Panel Eurimage at Berlinale 2018, Berlin (DE).
04.11.2017 — “Vierter Regie-Diversitätsbericht des BVR für das Jahr 2016.” Report Presentation, Tage der Regie München, HFF München (DE).
06.10.2017 — “Wozu Filmfestivals? Zwischen Event, Routine und Utopie – eine Standortbestimmung.” Panel discussion by Crew United & Filmfest Hamburg, Hamburg (DE), Filmfest Hamburg 5–14 October 2017.
01.06.2017 — Moderation of the talk “Hitlers Traumfabrik” – Germany Cinema during Nazi Era with director Rüdiger Suchsland, Exhibition „Artige Kunst“, Kunsthalle Rostock (DE).
03.05.2017 — Moderation Panel “Stoffe mit regionaler Identität für den Film- und TV-Markt.” 3. Branchenkonferenz Film und Medien Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 3–4 May 2017, Schwerin (DE), Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 2–7 May 2017.
28.04.2017 — “Festival Strategies: Dos and Don’ts.” Workshop, East-West Talent Lab, goEast: Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, Wiesbaden (DE), 26 April–2 May 2017.
16.02.2017 — Chairing “I cannot believe we are still protesting! Where are we coming from? Where do we stand? What should be the next steps?” 5th Discussion on the status of women in film business and gender equity on the occasion of the 67th Berlin International Film Festival, Berlin (DE), Berlinale 9–19 Feb. 2017.
04.11.2016 — Panel participant at the inaugural network meeting “Festivalarbeit gerecht gestalten” (festival work structured fairly), invited by the Initiative Festivalarbeit (festival labour), DOK Leipzig, Leipzig (DE).
16.10.2016 — Talk about history of queer film festivals and queer cinema, invited talk at 20th anniversary of Perlen Queer Film Festival Hannover (DE).
09.03.2016 — Input presentation at “Cinema in Transition” Branchentreffen, Diagonale: Festival des Österreichischen Films, Graz (A), 8–13 March 2016.
17.02.2016 — Chair for “Queer Film Festivals in Practice” panel discussion, Queer Academy Conference, Teddy Award, Berlin (DE), Berlinale 11–21 February 2016.
26.09.2015 — Chair for “Queer Film Festival Programming” panel discussion. Scottish Queer International Film Festival (SQIFF), Glasgow (UK), 24–27 September 2015.
06.05.2015 — “New Queer Cinema and Beyond.” Roundtable moderation. Pink Apple: Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, Zurich (CH).
18.04.2015 — “Who Directs German Feature Films? Gender Report 2009-2013” Presentation at industry meeting, International Women’s Film Festival Dortmund|Köln, Dortmund (DE).
05.06.2014 — “Short and queer.” Workshop with Dagmar Brunow, Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Hamburg (DE).
10.04.2014 — Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story. Introduction to the opening film of the festival sidebar “Inszenierte Dokumente”, Dokumentarfilmwoche Hamburg (DE).
21.03.2014 — “Queer Cinema”. One-day workshop, AG Gender, Evangelische Studienstiftung Villigst, Bremen (DE).
20.01.2014 — “Gender-Gerechtigkeit im Film.” Radio report Simone von der Forst. Deutschlandradio: DRadio Wissen.
24.11.2012 — Tintenfischalarm. Film talk with documentary protagonist Alex Jürgen, “Der inter*geschlechtliche Körper – Diskurs/Begegnungen im literarischen Text” conference, Universität Wien, Vienna (AT), 22–24 November 2012.
26.01.2012 — “Queer Cinema History.” Talk in clip lecture series “100 Jahre Lichtspieltheater UT Connewitz – Eine Reise durch die Filmgeschichte”, UT Connewitz, Leipzig (DE).
13.12.2011 — “Raum für Visionen: Queere Filmfestivals.” Radio Corax, Halle (DE).
23.09.2011 — “Was darf gezeigt werden? Bewegte Bilder von Sexualität und Beziehung im Wandel.” Keynote at 30th anniversary of pro familia Schleswig-Holstein, Norderstedt (DE).
10.07.2011 — “Queer Cinema.” Gegenlicht – Das Filmmagazin, Radio F.R.E.I., Erfurt (DE).
07.05.2011 — “100 Jahre queere Küsse: Die Reihe ‘Queer Cinema’ zeigt Klassiker der Filmgeschichte.” funDYKE – Radio im Queerformat, Hamburgs Gender Sender auf TIDE 96.0.
[last update: 22.02.2022]