
___ Conference Organization __________

Festival Cultures. New Ways to Study Networks, Circulation & Canon Production”, 20th NECS Graduate Workshop supported by NECS, ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften, Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Potsdam, 14–15 February 2023.

Visualization in/as Digital Media Studies“, joint workshop of the collaborative research center “Media of Cooperation“, the BMBF project “Film Circulation” and the DFG network “New Directions in Film Historiography“, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf & University Siegen, remote, 15, 18–19 Nov. 2021.

Data Collection and Operationalization of Film Festival Categories“, workshop in the context of the research project “Film Circulation”, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, remote, 27–28 May 2021.

Methoden der Medienindustrieforschung“, 3. Workshop der AG Medienindustrien der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, 1 February 2019.

“EWA Research Workshop Meeting”, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, 17–18 September 2018.

Kinomatics @ Babelsberg. Digital Cultural Analytics & Visualization“, workshop and lecture by Kinomatics colleagues from University of Technology Sydney and Deakin University Melbourne (AU), Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, 13 September 2018.

Kreative Orte: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft von Medienstandorten in Norddeutschland” Workshop VNU Impuls Forschung, Cooperation Universität Rostock & Universität Hamburg, Rostock, 23 November 2017.

Media Industries: Aktuelle Positionen deutschsprachiger Forschung“, 1. Workshop der AG Medienindustrien der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Universität Rostock, 27. Jan. 2017

Popular Culture – Gender – Agency“, 5th interdisciplinary Colloquium of the workgroup Gender Research at the University of Rostock, 19–21 May 2016.

Queer Film Culture: Queer Cinema and Film Festivals”, international conference (14-15 October 2014) in conjunction with 25th Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg | International Queer Film Festival, 14–19 October 2014.

Regular organization and facilitation of pre-constituted panels on Film Festival Studies at NECS, SCMS, ECREA, Sreen and other annual conferences via the Film Festival Research Network (2009-).

Gender, Queer und Medien – Gegenwärtige Ansätze und Perspektiven“, conference of the Workgroup “Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht der DGPuK” in conjunction with the Research Center for Media and Communication (RCMC) at Universität Hamburg, 5–7 November 2009.

___ Lecture Series __________

Medien zwischen Markt und Staat II: Online-Medien, Digitale Publikationen und Games“, lecture series at Institut für Medien und Kommunikation, Universität Hamburg, winter term 2013/14.

Sexy Media? Gender – Medialität – Kulturalität“, lecture series at Institut für Medien und Kommunikation, Universität Hamburg, winter term 2008/09.

___ Curating and Programming Events __________

Screening Committee Sehstern, FiSH – Filmfestival im Stadthafen Rostock 2016

Queer Cinema“, film series in conjunction with BA course “(Film)Theory, History and Aesthetics of Queer Cinema”, B-Movie Kino Hamburg, summer term 2011.

Aids/Music/Film”, film talk with John Greyson, 18th Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg | International Queer Film Festival, 19 October 2007.

How Sexy Is Queer Cinema?“, workshop with Antke Engel, 17th Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg | International Queer Film Festival, 20 October 2006.

Member of the screening committee of the Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg | International Queer Film Festival, 2005–2013.